
Great men have always said that
"Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man"

All that we need to do in this small duration is nothing but to polish our god given talents. Life can be seen as a pearl which is bequeathed from the heavens. To make it shiny, we not only need to acquire knowledge but also have to learn how to use it and where to use it. Today’s education seems to pollute a person with tons and tons of information and this may be the reason why today’s students are completely ignorant about their actual destiny.

A companion in today’s definition doesn’t have to be a flesh and blood human. Rather one prefers to carry a machine that an aid him/her in all course of their lives. And my sole destiny is to make them do whatever my fellow humans want them to do. My education as a professional taught me, how to interact with the machines, how to behave with them etc. Every single second of my life will be spent to master this ultimate skill of controlling. Seeing the need of the society in which I live, I wish to develop those kinds of programs that will ease certain situations of our life. A journey through this portal will give a very brief idea about my works.