Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

Internet access problem in Terminal using proxy server network connection

Internet access problem in Terminal using proxy server network connection

When we use different internet connection in one laptop, and if one of those connections is proxy server network connection, then we may have a problem with accessing internet in Ubuntu Software Center and in Terminal.

In direct connection we haven’t any problem with internet access. But when we switch to proxy connection, at first everything is ok, internet works in Gnome.(firefox and all applications can take access from GNOME). But Terminal and Software Center gives connection error. We can do this simple action in Terminal.

Open Terminal or press Ctrl + Alt + T and type the following commands.

Step 1

Navigate to /etc/apt directory using

cd /etc/apt

Internet access problem in Terminal using proxy server network connection 1

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How to solve no interfaces listed in Wireshark


After installing wireshark in linux some peoples got an error that no interface is listed which look likes below.
wireshark no interface 1
To eliminate this error do the following.
Method 1
Some of the specific files/devices that needed permissions in Ubuntu, so open wireshark in root account or use the following command to open wireshark.
sudo wireshark

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How to install a .tar.gz (or .tar.bz2) file in linux

The answer is you cannot "install" a .tar.gz file or .tar.bz2 file. Because .tar.gz files are gzip-compressed tarballs, compressed archives like .zip files. .bz2 files are compressed with bzip2.
Step 1
Open a terminal or press Ctrl + Alt + T

Step 2
Use the command cd <foldername> to navigate to the correct folder.
Make sure you first read a file called INSTALL or INSTALL.txt or README

Step 3
Extract the files with one of the commands
If it's tar.gz use
tar xvzf PACKAGENAME.tar.gz
If it's a tar.bz2 use
tar xvjf PACKAGENAME.tar.bz2


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