Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

How to solve Error loading stylesheet: An unknown error has occurred (805303f4) in wordpress


If you are facing this error after installing Google XML Sitemaps plugin, then its not your fault because the stylesheet linked loads without problems and the sitemap doesn't present any issues. The problem was your website is accessible at but your sitemap is browsable both at

  • and

Thus, the stylesheet fails to load if you visit the sitemap without having www

So you should load your sitemap by using the following URL :

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How to convert wordpress post into blogger post

Step 1

Login to your WordPress account and navigate to the Dashboard for the blog that you'd like to transfer to Blogger.
Step 2
Click on the Tool tab and click on the Export link. Download the WordPress WXR or XML export file by clicking on Download Export File. Save this file to your local machine.
Step 3
Goto the following website.

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How to Change a Broken WordPress Theme Using PHPMyAdmin

Sometimes when editing .php files you will make a mistake and end up breaking your theme or sometimes you might upload a theme that is old and out of date or is just too problematic and it needs to be switched back to the twenty ten default theme.

Some times the following error may occur.

Change a Broken WordPress Theme 1
Here is an easy way to switch to the twenty ten default theme using PHPMyAdmin.
Step 1
Go into your cPanel and look for the Databases section and click on the phpmyadmin link.

Step 2
Select the database where your WordPress is stored.

Step 3
Select the ‘wp_options’ table from the menu on the left.


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